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Abeco Tanks Support Water Continuity In Nigeria

Abeco Tanks Support Water Continuity In Nigeria

Abeco Tanks Support Water Continuity In Nigeria

Abeco Tanks Support Water Continuity In Nigeria

Water is the most important commodity in Africa. Frequent drought and the recent pandemic have put extreme strain on the water infrastructure resulting in the need for plans to combat water scarcity.

Water is essential for success in industry, mining, business and agriculture – the four pillars of the developing economies in Africa.

By 2025 it is estimated that 25 out of the 48 countries that will experience a water shortage will be African countries. As water is fundamental to survival, a lack of continuous water supply debilitates communities, organisations and cities.

Fortunately, in 1983 Abeco Tanks was founded as the world’s first water bank. Much like a savings account for money their water banks (water tanks) act as hygienic storage solutions for water.

For nearly 40 years they have been the leading innovator in the development and delivery of these world-class water tank solutions. Their global footprint includes countries across Central America, the African continent including Nigeria and various island in the Indian ocean.

Access to water, for Nigerians, has been a challenge. They face water scarcity due to the high growth of their population, an unstable water infrastructure, water pollution and their rapid urbanisation that is set to double over the next two decades.

The minimum amount of water required by a Nigerian is 20 litres per capita per day and they have been forced to rely on the informal sector comprising of rainwater, rivers, boreholes and wells for their water supply, exposing them to troubling hygiene.  

So, how do we ensure the continuous supply of water when there is an interruption in the water supply?

Here are important points to consider for your Water Continuity list:

Being conscious about not wasting water is not saving water

Businesses can implement water-sparing measures by saving or harvesting rainwater, toilets that are eco-friendly and taps that are waterwise. These are all commendable but none of them saves water for a day when the water supply is switched off.

Businesses cannot function without water so it is imperative that they install an infrastructure that can save water. The steel Abeco tanks that store water and keep it hygienic are the ideal safeguard to have.

Prevention is better than cure

Architects and designers should include water storage solutions in their plans and designs from the outset.

Harvesting rainwater from the roof to use for flushing toilets, watering gardens and cleaning is great, but the water is not hygienic enough for human consumption.

Businesses and homes should add water storage solutions to ‘bank’ their existing water supply hygienically and safely, for times of interruption.

Install devices that prevent water wastage

Wasting water in any form is unacceptable and everyone should live their lives aware of saving this precious commodity.

Business premises can be modified by installing faucet aerators, stop-start taps and water-saving toilets.

All of these will reduce the amount of water needed by the business saving on monthly water costs and allowing money for installing tanks that save water for times of crisis.

Carry out regular maintenance checks

Don’t neglect regular maintenance checks. A leaking pipe can waste huge amounts of water and cost the business dearly.

Checking the sprinkler system is also extremely important. In the event of a fire, there needs to be sufficient water and an efficiently operating sprinkler system to extinguish the fire.

The Abeco tanks also act as fire water tanks. The company is a member of the Automated Sprinkler Investigation Bureau meaning that all its tanks comply with all ASIB standards.

Accurately calculate how much water your business would need

For any business to run out of water is costly. Operations would shut down and profit losses could be considerable.

Being aware of the amount it would cost the business daily is a good indicator for budgeting for the installation and maintenance of water storage tanks to save water so that the business can keep on running.

Why Abeco?

Abeco manufactures water tanks out of good quality durable steel ensuring that UV rays are unable to penetrate into the water. There is no algae build-up, and the water is kept hygienic and drinkable.

Their tanks come in a variety of sizes and shapes and are manufactured for ground level, underground or elevated and can hold anywhere from 18 000 to 50 000 litres of water.

They are U-shaped, rectangular, circular or custom-designed to fit any space restrictions or obstructions.

They are versatile and can store a variety of substances including fire water and potable water for use by communities, businesses, schools, manufacturing plants and hospitals.

Their tanks are modular in design and easily transportable. They do not require heavy and complicated machinery to install them. This also makes them perfect for installation in rural communities.

Buying a steel water tank from Abeco means becoming one of their valued clients. Their aim is to design, manufacture and install steel water tanks that meet the unique needs of clients and establish long-lasting relationships.

Abeco has proven its reliability as a company. Their clients know that their product is good quality that lasts and that they are always available for any maintenance and support after installation.

Abeco has supplied water tanks to parts of Nigeria since the 1980s. Their water tanks are a source of hygienic water supply Nigerians can rely on.


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Abeco Tanks